Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Special Needs for Special Kids

As a teacher you may think going into a classroom for the first time will be easy. their is always that one child that gives you a problem. you yell at them and send them to the principles office because you can not control them and their behavior. did you every spot and think that this child my have a disability? Special Education is a good objective for children who learn at a slower pace then regular children. As a teacher having a background in special education is greatly needed.Children might be having problems in a school classroom because of a disability they are trying to work with. Every child is different and they all have needs in different way. For the teacher to get the child the right help with their disability the classroom can be a lot easier to maintain.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trust Vs. Mistrust

Theorist Erikson made the theory of trust vs. mistrust because he found out children need to be able to trust caregivers. Without trust from their care giver they will learn to mistrust everything in life.
Erikson wants to resolve this emotional conflict in a positive direction. Parents and teachers play a part in this role to help pursue the positive emotional states. Infants must have trust from caregivers to view the world as safe and predictable. Children want to be able to have trust in caregivers then move on to other beings. Mistrust comes from children who were either abused or neglected. The children with mistrust will not resolve this emotional states in a positive manner.

Playful Education

Children like to learn in a playful environment. While children are learning teachers should make a fun activity for children to remember what they are learning. Lets take spelling for instance, teachers can have children play with shaving cream and spell the spelling words in the shaving cream. This is a fun way to get children involved and an easy way to have children remember. Games in any subject are a good way to get children to remember information for a test.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blueprints of Success.

Children learn at different paces. To help children learn it is important to get at the child's level. You need to want the child to succeed. Having a safe, caring community in your classroom is a huge advantage as a teacher. Your students will not have to worry about anything happening in the classroom because they have trust in their teacher. Once a student masters a simple task its the teachers job to enhance the learning skills further encouraging to seek more in depth knowledge. Positive feedback to children will stimulate them to want to learn more. With a comfortable learning environment children will feel less pressure and will want to ask questions. Having the class structured but not intense will show a comfortable low stressed learning environment.

Ready, Set, Play.

The power of recess is huge. During this time, children can be themselves with little stimulation to be creative. During recess they are still learning social skills such as getting along with others and avoiding conflict. While children play, they are clearing their minds of all pressures of learning. With a clear mind after recess children can begin to focus again on learning. Special Education teachers can use recess as a tool to observe troubled students due to the fact the children are in their natural element. Another added bonus to recess can keep children physically and mentally healthy.